time check.
reality check.
pre-trip concert = the cure. we were all slacking and the vibe only runs in-between the 3hrs long concert.
at times, i could feel sleepy but when "friday, im in love" came on air thru mr smith's vocal..it was the most appreciated piece of music.
nonetheless, we did enjoyed the nite.
post-trip concert = gwen stefani. she rocked the house yesterday. im very much in love with her plus the chance to be a 'groupie' post concert with the kids and she came to us, yeah we were that close...she's the bomb! love her costumes, her dancers, her songs. thanks! i took medical leave due to jet-lagged but seeing her energised vibe onstage, i totally forgotten that im not that strong. i almost lost my voice this morning due to over-excess of shouting during concert. cant blame me...the boys started it first and poor yany who is hospitalised back from japon trip and was supposed to see gwen had to forgo her tix.
and those are some of my vices, pre-deserved hard-earned cash. the trip to japon, i wished that ive stayed there longer.
surviving thru the almost 8hrs flight to & fro, lotsa walking, tiredness but when it comes to shopping, we totally forgotten the tired feet.
summer was a killer. its hotter than rome and its biting thru our skins. its was hotter than sg no doubt there's wind but i could feel the unbearable heat.
we became tanned easily and the makcik @my workplace spotted my dark rings this morning.
i tend to wake pretty early as its bright at 4am (jpn time) and we are quite disciplined to follow our schedule everyday.
we covered tokyo, hakone, osaka, kyoto and back to tokyo. the only setback wasnt able to carry on to nara as we are short of time.
shinkansen, is pretty fast too, cant beat eurorail as per my last euro trips.
we pretty much controlled our expenses and went crazy over japon brands.
stores like daiso, muji and uniqlo (japanese version of GAP) prices are quite a steal.
and oh, i love shibuya for loft, not much of tokyu hands.
got myself sister holga, yet to experiment with it.
so, im back in sg all broke. not broken-hearted.
and of course, more tonnes of work.
i need a vacation again!
my yellow wayfarer broke in tokyo...im only left with not more than 200yen...and i got my slate leggings.